A Moment of Beginning

di Mossa is a dance company that sparks reflection and exchange through collective experiences.


Our Mission

di Mossa is a dance company that sparks reflection and exchange through collective experiences. Moved by curiosity and compassion, we believe dance has the capacity to inspire and connect us, teaching vital lessons about life, relationships, and the self.

Come Dance With Us…

Join us for contemporary classes for
3 Wednesdays in May
5:30 - 7:00pm

  • May 15, 22 & 29

  • Sevier Park Community Center -

    3021 Lealand Ln. 37204

  • $10 at the door

Upcoming Performance

May 3, 2024

7:30 pm

Centennial Performing Arts

PYDANCE has invited di Mossa to present in an informal showing at Centennial.

It promises to be a fun night right in the midst of the Tennessee Craft Spring show. Come on out to see contemporary dance, made now! in Nashville.

Doors open at 7:00

A Note From the Director…

di Mossa represents a moment of beginning, the impulse that precedes a move -- a spark. Dancers have these moments all the time as a part of their artistic practice. Though it can be frightening, following those impulses is almost always satisfying. 

There are moments in a human life when there is no more time for waiting, no more time for indecision. Launching this project is one of those times for me, artistically. 

Throughout my life, dance has always been essential. It’s the ultimate combination of the visual and the aural, of flesh and expression. And because dance is ultimately made of human material, how can it not teach us endless lessons? Lessons of life, relationship, and self. There is nothing like that moment of alignment between the simplest of movements and the deepest of meanings. It is a moment of joy. 

Dance is an art form through which we express ourselves, process our human experience and move in this world at this time. di Mossa will endeavor to share with collaborators and audiences the work of beginning over and over again on the journey to understand ourselves and each other. 

Compassionately, and with an eye on the next move,

Lisa Valeri

Artistic Director, di Mossa